Properties in the Spotlight: Daimler Headquarters

Daimler Trucks of North America unveiled its new headquarters in Portland in 2016. This sleek, state-of-the-art, LEED Platinum certified building was constructed with up to $20 million in incentives from city and state agencies. As part of that incentive package, Daimler promised to create good jobs for its employees.

If Daimler chooses to contract out to another company, however, those workers are excluded from this good jobs agreement. And when Daimler chose Millennium Building Services to clean the new building, it brought in a largely low-wage, immigrant workforce that might not define their employment as “good jobs.” Workers have reported low wages even after years of loyalty to the company and unaffordable health insurance.

Daimler should extend its commitment to good jobs for everyone who works in their building, including employees of service contractors like Millennium Building Services. We are asking Daimler to insist that the company that cleans its building is a Responsible Contractor that meets industry standards for wages, benefits, and respect for workers’ rights.

Daimler’s LEED Platinum certification demonstrates the company’s commitment to environmental sustainability. We want to see a stronger commitment to the sustainability of the lives of people who clean their building every night and every day – the sustainability of their children and their families and their communities.